Please help us identify the most qualified and committed nominees for consideration by the Nomination Committee. NAEC is currently seeking three contractors and two suppliers to fill the upcoming vacant Board of Director vacancies. It is recommended to obtain permission from an individual before recommending them.  
When considering potential Board Candidates, keep in mind the following general guidelines: 
 1) To be eligible for election to the Board of Directors, a Contractor or Supplier Member must have been a member in good standing for at least one (1) year prior to said election.
2) Of the four nominees, three (3) will be Contractor Members and two (2) will be a Supplier Members. A Dual member (Contractor-Supplier) is considered a Supplier member for purposes of Board service.
3) A Director must be able to devote a good deal of time to the duties of the position.  This is a three-year commitment for Contractor and Supplier Directors.  The quality of the Board of Directors has a direct influence on the future of our Association.
4) Of the three (3) Contractor Directors, one (1) will be elected to the presidency before their term is over.  Each Contractor nominee must be aware of the possibility of moving into the presidency during their term and be willing to serve in this capacity if called upon.
Thank you for your support in continuing the legacy of leadership at NAEC!

Board of Directors' Nomination Form 

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